【同义词辨析】 2017-05-25 举止behave-acquit

behave: may apply to the meeting of a standard of being proper or decorous: ~ very badly throughout the affair. (proper恰当: 符合本质身份proper role of first lady第一夫人的恰当角色) (decorous得体: 符合社交常规品味a decorous kiss礼貌得体的吻一下)

conduct: implies action or behavior that shows one's capacity to control or direct oneself: ~ing herself with unfailing humor. (南海行为准则COC(code of conduct) in the SCS)

deport: implies behaving in conformity with conventional rules of discipline or propriety: an ingenue who ~ herself in the best tradition. ingenue: 天真少女

comport: suggests conduct measured by what is expected or required of one in a certain class or position: ~ themselves as the gentlemen they were.

acquit: applies to action under stress that deserves praise or meets expectations: ~ted himself well in his first battle.

behave举止: 表示符合标准恰当得体,conduct也是举止: 显示自我控制引导能力,deport也是举止: 指符合常规礼节(conventional discipline纪律规矩,所以是常规,propriety礼节是人们自行规定的准则),comport举止: 符合特定阶层地位所期望要求的, acquit表现: 在压力不负众望值得表扬 (to meet expectations, to deserve praise)

记忆方法: 1)首字母重组成BAD Chinese Citizen不好的国人<==举止欠佳 (decorum,propriety等词在2017-11-22帖子中介绍过)

        2)举止的意思是以特定方式做某事mean to act or to cause or allow oneself to do something in a certain way.